Okay - officially back smile .

SHANA! Thank you for delurking! You know you're stuck now and you must post more often right? I'm glad you're enjoying it!

JD - aw - so glad you can bask in it smile . Love waffiness!

AnKS - yeah, this Lana isn't as bad as some I've written but...

Karen - /giggle/ the phrase 'barf me with a whole plate setting' comes to mind but... Glad you think they're cute. However, of course, they can't have smooth sailing for 16 chapters...

Sue, Sue, Sue - /shakes head sadly/ I think I'm going to have to not post before Ricochet 7 is up, whenever that is - possible Ricochet 8 because Shaken 1-3 have been posted since Ricochet 6 was...

I'm sure Lois has seen a farm - it's implied at least [in my head anyway?] that Abby lives on a farm, but she's never been to the *Kent* farm.

Ann - hmmm... didn't even consider the Fortress... may have to work that in later... As for the anniversary thing - my thinking was it's one of those 'will you be my girlfriend? here's my class ring [or other symbol].' things but he hadn't given it to her the week before.

James - Hmmm... school trip to Europe, Clark and Lana end up in Latislan... Sounds like a great fic to me! /runs and hides/

Amber - no he sure hasn't. Part of it depends on context too of course. I have written NK stories, but this isn't one of them. Biggest wrench? I guess a Kryptonian birth wife might qualify, esp if she happened to land in Kansas too and is a certain blonde... er no, wait, no. Wonder if there's not a bigger wrench though... Hmmm... /whistles innocently/

Robinson - happy birthday! See my note to Sue. Sadly, I can't post again wink .

Michael - we'll see about posting - see note to Sue laugh . Ah, yes, wafffest must end at some point but when and how... I think Amber's got some great ideas...

Elisabeth - I had added a couple references to the ROLE OF Stage Manager as opposed to just Stage Manager after I sent it to betas and two of them tweaked to that - thinking she *was* the stage manager as opposed to playing the role, but had the old version. I am going to add something about the other positions in the final draft. Glad you're enjoying!

As for next post... Well, it's up to Sue wink .

We'll see... probably late Sunday/early Monday if she holds up her end of the deal. [Okay probably anyway, but don't tell her it's an empty threat wink ]
