Thanks everyone, I'm glad y'all are enjoying it the second time around. And thanks to everyone who pointed out inconsistencies. I've got some fri/sat problems etc still in here, but I think I've fixed it in the file. Also, i've tweaked it so that it explains that the conference is three days (Tues-Thurs) but they get a whole week off because they have Mon and Fri to travel.

Since the revisions have already been made, do we have to go through the torture of a posting schedule???? Yes? Okay... I guess I can handle that, but post more soon!
LOL. I did actually consider posting it all at once, but I decided against it because I didn't want to overwhelm people. But I promise I'll post quickly.

All right, on to part two. smile


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen