Thanks everyone smile .

Michael - aw - I understand lots of work and I'll be here when you do have time.

AnKS - preview above just for you wink .

Iolan - A, the shoe... That was UP remember? wink

Female Hawk - glad you enjoyed it!

JD - hehe so sorry. This was a happy chapter! And there's more happy chapters to come...

Sara - yeah it was kind of supposed to be like that Clana. I'll work on tweaking their talk - that's not how Clark is supposed to come off. He's not anymore ready than she is and thinks it's a good idea to wait until they're both ready whenever that is and then deciding to wait until they get married. And I tend to agree with you anyway. I think OTOH is the only nonmarried sex fic I've ever written and that was a bit of an anomally anyway...

Thanks again guys!

Look for Chapter 2 Wednesday probably smile .
