Nan I'm glad to have your comments, so peek in any time you like. I know what you mean about not dealing with suspense well - I've gone that way a few times myself. Thanks for the comment about Lois and her investigation. I wasn't sure if I could pull off an A-plot -- and this one has been mostly an excuse for the b-plot. laugh

Carol Sorry for making you cry, but yay me for getting the emotions across. I dare say your thoughts about Clark are closer to the truth than Lois' ideas. Thanks for the fdk.

Pam Oh, you're too kind. There was a lot in the last part, which is why I considered breaking it into two. Thanks for the comments.

IolantheAlias Thank you for commenting. I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. Admissible evidence coming right up in the next part.

Bob Thanks for your post. Lois can be very compassionate in the right circumstances and I've always felt that was one of her most attractive qualities to Clark.
Lex's cause for distraction was a nice twist
I'm glad you thought so. Lois was so sure she needed to get Lex out of the penthouse, but she's pragmatic enough to realize this distraction is just as good (from a certain point of view). Yes, Lois has made a leap of logic in her assumptions about Clark's reaction to Lex's infidelity, but she doesn't know Clark as well as we do -- stay tuned for the next part.

Ann Thank you for the compliments about the friendship and budding romance between Lois and Clark. It makes my heart glad.

Amber It was a conscious decision to have Lois trust Clark's abilities more in this story than in the series. After all, she sought him out for his help as an investigative reporter -- learning he's Superman was an added bonus.
I love how they are becoming completely dependent on one another
Hmm, you think so? I was going more for supportive rather than dependent. Of course if you mean that they are willing to trust each other and depend on that person for support, than I'm glad - that's what I was going for. And they will talk -- stay tuned.

Michael Thanks!

I'm so glad they discovered Luthor cheating. It seems to give a green light to the possibility that Lois and Clark can pursue their deepening attraction.
Thanks for the fdk, Female Hawk . I'm glad you enjoyed it. Clark's accidental discovery of Lois' secret seemed appropo since Lois had done the same to him back in San Francisco, but you're right, without the secrets between them, their relationship can continue to grow.

Tank peep