Woot! It's so much fun to take a break at work and find all these lovely comments. Thanks for all the feedback, FoLCs. It made my day.
Thanks so much for loving that bit, Anagram. I did too. As for how long it will take Lois' niggles and deja vu to add up to S-Man...you'll just have to wait and see.

Carol - thanks for commenting (despite sick kids - hope they're doing ok now) and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I expected Sman to show up as soon as she realized her rope was in the other room
Eh, so I'm predictable. What can I say?

I loved the nod to Christopher Reeve's Superman
I love Dean Cain's Clark Kent, but Chris Reeve will always be my first Superman. Glad to see Lois' thought processes about S-man are humorous. Thanks for the kind words and the affirmations.

IolantheAlias - thank you for the detailed feedback. Knowing what the readers like helps more than you know to shape and fill-out the upcoming parts. Besides, you always make me laugh - "stunned at Tornado Lois", indeed. laugh
A well-written, spine-tingling "Lois in danger" bit!
Sometimes I wonder if the visual images in my head are coming out properly in words, so I appreciate you saying that this scene worked. Thanks also for laughing in all the right places.
I guess that way Lex can't track her via cell phone, credit cards, etc. I'm assuming from the previous mention of cash and fake ID's that Lois did mean to leave this stuff behind. Good for her, prepared to run at a moment's notice.
Yes, absolutely. Trask played right into her already brilliant plans.
Dressed in sleep shirt, with bed head, just rescued from certain death - and she dives right into an interview. Good good good.
I like this. What a difference it makes when Lois is married and is "Mrs Luthor". She's a paparazzi target herself and automatically has more sympathy with Superman than she would have as a plain reporter. I'm glad that she will give S-man the benefit of the doubt.
Yes, sometimes life has a way of teaching us how to be more compassionate and/or humble. Being married to Lex has certainly taught Lois a thing or two about being in the public eye.

Hi Patrick! Thanks for the comments and the questions (no, this is not an Alt-Clark). How did Clark get the idea for S-man, you ask? ... Curious, no? All shall be revealed, but not yet.
Thanks for confirming that the narrative is working, that the characterizations are on and pacing is good and that Lois' internal dialogue isn't resembling Hamlet-style metal paralysis wink .

Given how RL is heating up, I will probably post more often, say 2-3 times per week, so I can get it out to you before I have to take a break from my writing. However, I don't want to overload the gentle readers during Kerth season. What do you think?