Another great Tank fic! This is different from the usual TOGOM story in that it's so long afterwards. Fifteen years later....

It's sad that Clark and Lois "wasted" that much time where they couldn't be together, couldn't be married. But it makes sense given Clark's ethics.

He'd also made it clear to Lois that if she ever tired of the clandestine meets and wanted to explore something more permanent with some one else, he'd understand and would immediately step aside. She deserved to have the kind of life that he couldn't offer her.

Luckily, she'd managed to break him of the habit of giving her one of those speeches before every date. Now he only got all noble on her every third or forth time. She usually responded by punching him, then pressing her lips against his to shut him up. It seemed to work so far.
That was great! I can just see Lois punching him, then kissing him.

"So, what's first on our agenda?"

Lois looked up at him and smiled. "First stop is Cindy's Salon. I need a haircut."
The inimitable Tank!