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Posted By: IolantheAlias FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/15/09 09:43 PM
Another great Tank fic! This is different from the usual TOGOM story in that it's so long afterwards. Fifteen years later....

It's sad that Clark and Lois "wasted" that much time where they couldn't be together, couldn't be married. But it makes sense given Clark's ethics.

He'd also made it clear to Lois that if she ever tired of the clandestine meets and wanted to explore something more permanent with some one else, he'd understand and would immediately step aside. She deserved to have the kind of life that he couldn't offer her.

Luckily, she'd managed to break him of the habit of giving her one of those speeches before every date. Now he only got all noble on her every third or forth time. She usually responded by punching him, then pressing her lips against his to shut him up. It seemed to work so far.
That was great! I can just see Lois punching him, then kissing him.

"So, what's first on our agenda?"

Lois looked up at him and smiled. "First stop is Cindy's Salon. I need a haircut."
The inimitable Tank!
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 01:42 AM
Wonderful... loved it... they still get together even after 15 years, yay!! thumbsup

When I read the intro author's notes, I went searching for TOGOM 2008,but I couldn't find it.. does it have another title... although we don't really need to read it to read this, but I don't want to miss out on any of Tank's TOGOM stories smile

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 01:58 AM
Hah, that's a great ending!

I wonder, Tank, were you by any chance inspired by that famous comic book where the pre-Byrne revamp Superman retires? In that comic, Clark is outed, Superman loses his powers, the Daily Planet is destroyed (at least I think so) and Perry and Jimmy die. All the-man-who-used-to-be-Superman has left is Lois Lane, so he creates another identity for himself and marries her. (Of course, in that comic book, Lois and Clark have a super baby son...I guess that is not happening here, right? laugh

Well, I loved the story, and I loved that the patented Tank Lois haircut that was included at the end of it! laugh

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 04:59 AM
I don't think I ever got around to sending TOGoM 2008 to the archives. It's only on the boards, back in early 2008.

Tank (who is ever helpful)
Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 11:25 AM
Loved this! The haircut was the perfect ending. Glad to see you giving us another taste of your talent.
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 11:50 AM
A real Tank fic: Jimmy killed off and Lois having a haircut. goofy

This fic turned Lois into a very patient woman. She waited 15 years for Clark!!!! Oh, boy! thumbsup

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 04:00 PM
Shame on you for not archiving the last one, Tank. I kept thinking that it must have a different name than the one I remembered. It took a long time to find it here.

I loved the ending, by the way. I also like how it's Lois who figures out how the story should go.

And they lived happily ever after...

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/16/09 06:18 PM
used the witness protection program to set up a cover identity for me.
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/17/09 03:05 AM

So glad to see Lois and Clark finally getting together. After waiting 15 years, they do deserve some happiness.

I like the use of The Witness Protection service. smile

And Lois finally got a haircut!

Yours Jenni
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/17/09 05:49 AM
"First stop is Cindy's Salon. I need a haircut."
rotflol You kill me Tank. What is your obsession with Lois's hair? A haircut?

Otherwise, great story!

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/17/09 06:44 AM
I don't think I ever got around to sending TOGoM 2008 to the archives.
That and a couple of others, Tank. I'll send you a list. wink

Shame on you for not archiving the last one, Tank.
Oh and Elisabeth, you're guilty, too. goofy I'll send you a list as well. laugh

LabRat smile
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/17/09 03:52 PM
You just had to shoot him again and kill his second identity, too, huh?

Michael clap
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/18/09 04:54 PM
Thanks to the gentle readers who partook in my little effort and were gracious enough to comment.

It's always nice to hear people say nice things about one's fics.

Obviously I used a physical representation of Lois (current Teri Hatcher) which most of the gentle readers would be able to recognize, but, of course, we had to get her into a proper Lois look by the end.

Thanks again to all who read my story and I hope that it was able to offer a little enjoyment along the way.

Tank (who has to admit that eliminating Jimmy was just to good an opportunity to resist)
Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/18/09 09:40 PM
The only thing I have to add is a request that you upload these stories to the Archive. Thank you.
Posted By: Allie Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/24/09 01:11 PM
I really liked this. I laughed when I got to the ending smile
Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: TOGOM for 2009 - 02/25/09 09:24 AM
Great work, Tank!

The long hair and "desperate" reference made me chuckle. I felt for Lois when we found out that she had lost everyone she cared for. But I certainly enjoyed the happy ending (even with Superman gone). They can finally be together after all these years.

And of course, now that Lois isn't desperate anymore, it is time for a hair cut. <g>

Natascha wave
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