I'm looking forward to more, too. I only hope that Lois doesn't lose her head regarding Clark. I would think that despite his obvious attraction to her he would respect her marriage vows, even if she's planning to put her husband behind bars for more than the rest of his natural life.

In fact, that might be an excellent plot point, if it isn't already one. We might see Lois and Clark have to work to keep from falling into each others' arms because of Lois' marriage. Besides the personal angle, if they were involved romantically it would tend to remove Clark's objectivity.

"Members of the jury, please observe the head investigator! His real reason for 'finding' this evidence against my client was because he wanted the defendant's wife for himself!"

No, that wouldn't play well in Peoria. Or in Metropolis, either. If Perry were still around, he'd yell at them for even thinking about it. Maybe Clark's editor will have a heart-to-heart with them about it.

Great story, great premise, and great writing. What more could we want?

The next post, of course.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing