This is a great section for really getting to see the old Lois reassert herself: This part:
It hits me again how in marrying Lex I’d lost part of myself. In my despondency and confusion, I’d given up Lois Lane to become Lois Luthor. My eyes narrow and my jaw clenches with my resolve. No more. I’ve reclaimed Lois Lane and vow never to lose sight of her again.
really captures so much of her realization, not about Lex, but about herself.

I like their relationship but...
Our story – I really like the sound of that. Not as good as *my* story, but it feels pretty nice anyway.
Lois is still Lois! lol

Based on the scene when Lois catches him checking her out, it seems that he is really struggling with his attraction. He is very attracted to her but she IS married.

And this:
“Now? What errand could you possibly need to run this late?”

“I just need to go and do … something that needs doing.”
I like that he's not making up lame excuses but I wouldn't think it will take Lois very long to start putting pieces together.

BJ, is this really only going to run only 18 parts? I have no complaints but it feels like it will take longer than that.
