Okay, so 1998 is really putting the M in melancholy...

Maybe that's why," he said softly. "Maybe you're here so that you don't marry me; so that you can have children with someone else."

"What?" Lois asked, feeling strangely saddened as that picture of her and Clark at their wedding flashed in her mind. She was never going to have that.
And then, if that's not enough:

Please, he thought, don't let me know the difference.
Get, real guys! If you can time travel, you can fix this. Have a bite of a reality sandwich. I find it interesting that Future Lois is totally cool with the time jump, and Future Clark is what, mentally packing up his life for the dumpster already? Get a grip, boy.

Great part,

And completely unrelated, are you kidding, after two and a half years of living alone, you'll never go back to having roommates. goofy But I do need to move if I expect to rejoin the real world, instead of you know, making websites all day in my PJs.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy