Have no time!!! Maybe I'll come back later...

But I loved how you made future!Lois so teasing and playful and relaxed around past!Clark - because surely she wasn't teasing him when she sounded half-asleep and asked if he was home and told him she was too tired to make love??? - and how past!Lois was so skittish and tense around past!Clark. (By the way, that thing you said about 'Flois' in the feedback - surely that had to refer to future!Lois? But if future!Lois is Flois, then surely past!Lois must be Plois? You know, that reminds me of 'floozy' and 'police', as if we were talking about Lois's id and superego here!)

[Linked Image]

Superego Lois (Police Lois) - don't come too close?


Id Lois (Floozy Lois) - come to my red wig and take it off? (And how about that skirt?)

As I said, I loved how Flois teased Pclark, putting her hand on his thigh, smiling at him when he was dressed as Superman and making him all uncomfortable, etcetera. I loved how you brought out how it was Clark who was playacting, with his 'Superman stiffness' in front of her. Say what you will about Lois, but she wasn't playacting around Clark/Superman.

Fclark had to admit to Lois that he was Superman, but then he kept deflecting her questions, making her even more uncomfortable. He is still stuck in his belief that the best way to make Lois love him is to lie to her. Or at least, he believes that nothing is a greater threat to his future with Lois than the truth, particularly if it is Lois who knows it.

But I loved how you ended both segments of this part with Clark listening to and looking at Lois while she sleeps, or while she prepares to sleep. And all he can think of is her. He may be a lying lunkhead, but his love for her is so desperately genuine.
