Hi Pam! Sorry it took me so long clap

Not to mention," she hadn't quite intended to add, "that exceptionally long bathroom break of yours."
Hmm... did the bathroom have a window?

He ducked his head, looking uncomfortable. "Not exactly. I'll, ah, tell you later, okay?"
Bingo! So, he’s going to come clean?

He was clearly giving her a chance to back down, or set some boundaries. Normally, she would have. Tonight, she gathered her courage and smiled. "In that case, you should definitely come in."

His eyebrows climbed, but he no longer held back. They rode the elevator in silence. Lois felt a delicious shiver at the feel of his strong body against her side, and in anticipation of what might happen. Seemed like giving him signals was working pretty well.
Yeah, she does seem to imitate a Las Vegas casino’s neon signs…

"That maybe I loved you, and I had to know if you felt anything at all like that for me, because I thought maybe you did, or at least you used to, but then things went so well tonight..."

"Hey, remember last year? I said every woman in love thinks her man looks like Superman. Turns out to be true." She giggled. "You do look like..." her voice trailed off and her eyes widened as a hundred clues whirled through her mind and coalesced into a new pattern.
shock shock


What a sweet and funny story, Pam smile


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