Thanks for all your comments, and don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about Clark’s parents. You will learn what happened to Martha and Jonathan later on in the story and for now that is all the reassurance I can give you.

Ann, thank you for pointing out my little error with the door! I will think on that, it’ll probably be barricaded with something so that with a little extra effort Lois could push it open. However, I don’t think they were too worried about them escaping – Lois had been knocked out and Clark was incapacitated with the kryptonite, they might have just have shut the door and left them to it. As Lois pointed out, they’re not the most competent of criminals!

I’m sorry I’ve taken this long to respond (again!), and also that I’ve been so busy this week that I haven’t quite got part three ready to post. Sorry guys! And next week’s going to be even busier; it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to get three up before next Sunday now. That said, my life will calm down after this coming week, so the posts should be regular from then on.

- Alisha