So, Brenda… What about part two? Now? Please? Pretty Please?
Um... yeah. Would you believe that I've been waiting to post part 2 to build the suspense? Eh, I suppose not.

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback - it warms my heart. Unfortunately, real-life has been really hectic (and looks like it will continue for a few days yet) and I haven't had time to tranfer my story from paper to computer. Yes, I still write on paper. Many times, the speed of writing it long-hand and maybe the motions help me to order my thoughts.

So with my deepest apologies (especially to Elisabeth), part two has been delayed to later this week. /me crossing fingers.

PS -
O-oh… Yeah, that’s Martha. But do they really look alike from the back of the couch? And wouldn’t he sit next to her?
We all see what we expect to see. Well, in this case, only Lois saw what she expected or feared to see. You saw right through me... laugh