Very inventive beginning. I like the way you've combined the two storylines, and the way you've described Ellen Lane. A "particularly determined mind," indeed.

I'm guessing that Zara's bond-mate Kal-El won't have to go back to New Krypton, and that the hunter following Zara and Ching (or maybe following Ellen) will be involved in Clark's rescue, quite inadvertently, of course. After all, the literal mind of the hunter might interpret his assignment as "slay Kal-El," not "make sure Kal-El dies no matter who kills him." Hey, he might even whack Luthor and get the key to the cage from him. Yes, I noticed that this Lex wasn't quite as careless and overconfident as the one in the series. Nice touch, that.

And if the Kryptonians are affected by the green K, will the hunter also be affected? Is this hunter's natural form as insane-looking as Roger Daltry's portrayal?

Okay, I'm ready for the next chapter. Is it Friday yet?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing