I like the premise of the story.

I am guessing our mystery guest is Santa *ho ho ho*, but I'm intrigued as to what the object he gave Lois for Clark is.

The dialogue between Lois and Clark often read a bit 'stiff' or 'fake' to me... it doesn't quite feel natural or flowing, although I did like the way you made Lois react to Clark and his 'stiff' issues.

Not sure about Clark's falling straight back asleep though... mind you... he is a man.... so.... it is somewhat believable.

Curious to read the next part of this story and see how it unravels.

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box