And this segment has to be the most hysterically funny so far. It literally had me laughing out loud from start to finish with wonderful moments like:

Clark hadn’t been surprised that no note, from Lois stating that he was right, had been forthcoming. He was, however, a bit disappointed. He had cleared a space for it on his shelves. Had the perfect frame for it in mind. And another thing, she’d left him in the parking lot in the middle of the night in his underwear. Granted, she had been infuriated, but how had she thought he was supposed to get home? Lucky for him it was fairly easy, but Lois didn’t know that. Clark was thinking a few scribbled lines of apology wouldn’t be too out of bounds, and would fit nicely onto the p.s. of that note he was never going to get.
And this whole conversation, which started with...

“You see? This makes me crazy. Listen to you! Did you hear that tone? Why, just tell me why, can’t you use that tone on me in front of witnesses? Just once while we’re at work? But would you do that? No! No, when we’re at the Planet you’re all ‘I’m from Kansas where we’re polite to everyone, and aren’t I adorable?’ and everyone is all ‘oh that sweet man, look what he has to put up with.’ If I had come in and said that to you, say in the conference room at morning report, you would have been all ‘Ok, Lois. That’s interesting, Lois. 10-4, Lois…’” just so Lois. I could see her standing there so clearly in this scene.

And then there was poor Oswald. smile1

And as if that wasn't enough we get poor Clark in Star Labs in his boxers. drool

Wonderful. Simply wonderful. clap

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers