Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LabRat Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:49 AM
And this segment has to be the most hysterically funny so far. It literally had me laughing out loud from start to finish with wonderful moments like:

Clark hadn’t been surprised that no note, from Lois stating that he was right, had been forthcoming. He was, however, a bit disappointed. He had cleared a space for it on his shelves. Had the perfect frame for it in mind. And another thing, she’d left him in the parking lot in the middle of the night in his underwear. Granted, she had been infuriated, but how had she thought he was supposed to get home? Lucky for him it was fairly easy, but Lois didn’t know that. Clark was thinking a few scribbled lines of apology wouldn’t be too out of bounds, and would fit nicely onto the p.s. of that note he was never going to get.
And this whole conversation, which started with...

“You see? This makes me crazy. Listen to you! Did you hear that tone? Why, just tell me why, can’t you use that tone on me in front of witnesses? Just once while we’re at work? But would you do that? No! No, when we’re at the Planet you’re all ‘I’m from Kansas where we’re polite to everyone, and aren’t I adorable?’ and everyone is all ‘oh that sweet man, look what he has to put up with.’ If I had come in and said that to you, say in the conference room at morning report, you would have been all ‘Ok, Lois. That’s interesting, Lois. 10-4, Lois…’”
...is just so Lois. I could see her standing there so clearly in this scene.

And then there was poor Oswald. smile1

And as if that wasn't enough we get poor Clark in Star Labs in his boxers. drool

Wonderful. Simply wonderful. clap

LabRat smile
Posted By: daneel Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:51 AM
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 08:25 AM
You definitely need to retitle this to "Clark Unhinged"! rotflol

This was hilarious. His little lecture to Lois about breaking and entering was funny enough on its own, but when it's revealed that he's standing there in glasses and boxers and nothing else... I'm still laughing! And then the rest of it just got more ridiculous and very funny in a "poor Clark" kinda way <g>

Lois is being way too understanding, though. I'm starting to think she's known about Superman for weeks at this point <g>

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 01:42 PM

Great part. thumbsup

“I am not afraid of Lois Lane,” he snapped out the words. “I am not afraid of Lois Lane,” he said again because it made him feel better, and actually enabled him to leave his bathroom. “I am not afraid…” he breathed as he jogged to the stairs, headed for the door, which was being opened by…

“Hey,” she breezed in, beaming. “You’ll never guess, Clark. My hunch paid off. Remember from the other day? And you and I, partner, have an appointment with a disgruntled ex-employee. My absolutely favorite kind of ex-employee.”

Posted By: merry Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 04:20 PM
CC Aiken
Playing catchup
just read 1,2,&3 and this is hilarious
more soon
Posted By: gerry Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 05:50 PM
laugh clap laugh clap rotflol
What Lab and Pam said. I concur.

Can't wait to read the last part. Please post very soon.

smile gerry smile
Posted By: Jocelyn Brant Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:06 PM

Could I love this story anymore. I am impatiently anticipating the final part tomorrow, and at the same time I'm dreading it. I don't want this to end grumble


Posted By: Laurach Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:21 PM
ROTFLMAO. Very funny segment. LOved it! More soon. Laura
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:21 PM
OK, my turn..how crazy was my husband looking at me while I read this part..I agree w/Labby, the most hysterical part so far. In fact I think that that had to be the funniest fanfic I've ever read!

Some of my favorites...

So, after Superman talked to the police, he came and got you out of bed?”

Her mild, sweet tone stopped the furious torrent of his words. And only then did he realize he was standing in STAR Labs in just his boxers.

He opened his mouth, swallowed air, blinked. “I’m…I’m in my pajamas,” he offered unnecessarily.
clap clap clap

And the wrap up tomorrow before I go away for the weekend would be MUCH appreciated!

Posted By: lynnm Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 07:26 PM
Loved this description -

Just this evening Lois had gone home declaring “good” the operative word. That had been the tip-off, of course. He’d tried to wait up for her, but had finally gone to bed, expecting her to burst in; all in black, lock pics in hand, fantastic scenario all woven. He’d been so certain that he had slept with his glasses on, like he did on stake-outs. So why hadn’t she come for him? Or called?
I could so see Lois dressed in black, ready for a break in! Perfectly describes her. And then to find that she'd went to STAR Labs to research Supermand basically because she was bored!

You've done such a great job getting Lois and Clark's mannerisms down pat - I could see them bickering and her going off on a rant. I won't requote my favorite part 'cause two others have done it, but I loved the part when Lois wants him to be rude in public.

Still grinning and waiting anxiously...

Posted By: KathyM Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/04/03 10:28 PM
CC, I'm coming late to the comments party, but with no less enthusiasm. Like those who've come before me, I adore this section. I kept trying to figure out why Clark would spin out of the Suit and into "himself" to confront Lois at STAR Labs, but by the time I read this
And only then did he realize he was standing in STAR Labs in just his boxers.
of course, I was smile1 And then it got all sweet with Clark saying,
“I am not afraid of you, Lois Lane,” he whispered softly, reverently into her ear. Wishing with all his heart that it was true.

But then, "unhinged" is right, Clark is really going off the deep end here. And I almost became unhinged with him, I was laughing so hard while reading about the warehouse incident. Someone *please* put him out of his misery, soon.

Pam wrote earlier in this thread...
Lois is being way too understanding, though. I'm starting to think she's known about Superman for weeks at this point <g>
I'm inclined to agree. But if so, I think even she would agree at this point that the poor boy has agonized for long enough. Based on his performance in the warehouse, she can't know how he'll react the next time there's any kind of a crisis. At least this way, it'll all be over soon... smile1

If she hasn't figured it out yet, we may still have to go through all the trauma of the revelation and 'you pretended to be two different people' etc. etc. etc. There aren't that many pages left...

Can't wait to read the last part, CC! hyper
Posted By: NearlyNoelNeill Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/05/03 05:57 AM
I have only 15 minutes until my meeting starts but it's not posted!!! mecry

Oh, well. I'll be back later. Can't wait CC! This just keeps getting better.

Posted By: Trenna Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/05/03 09:21 AM
I have 15 minutes left before my appointment too!

I'll need some of that time to read it so, POST SOON!

Posted By: mor1980 Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/05/03 09:30 AM
i co-sign on the nagging part... the best is yet to come and it seems to me that you're holding out on us!!!! shock

HURRY UP AND POST ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

oh....i forgot... PLEASE laugh blush
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 09/05/03 10:26 AM
Aaggghhh! The pressure!!

It's up! I swear I posted part 4 before I even came here to say my thank yous to those who have stuck with it, through the silly parts, and are still willing to read more.

Thank you! I am so appreciative of your support and your good words and your thoughtful comments, you can't know.

This has been fun, great fun, and I can see now why everyone says posting on the boards is addictive. Unless of course, you're a couple of hours late on your final post, and then, well...

No, I kid. Remember Labrat, who wisely encouraged me to post EOD, and whose sage advice I totally ignored in my zeal to see what you all thought? I couldn't stand the suspense, and have been so gratified by your remarks.

Let me know how you like the last bit, ok?

CC- who at this point isn't even pretending to watch after her kids.
Posted By: MaraElaineKent Re: Clark Uncaged Part 3 - Comments - 03/28/06 08:04 PM
I just want to say that I laughed so hard reading this chapter I honestly thought I might die for a second. I just couldn't breathe from laughing so hard. This was HILARIOUS!!! Oh, Aiken, you are too muh!!
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