Not much left to say but wow (since Michael already did all the praising). Really, whoever claimed that women were the talkative gender must have been delusional. :p

So, back on track and to the story. I loved the way you portrayed Cat, and mentioning her leopard-skin (un-)dress was so drool , too. (Not because I'm appreciating the mental view, but because it is *so* like Cat. No Inn-u-end-o, not even the other way round...) I really loved the idea of Cat (maybe) saving Lois from making a big mistake. And I'd really love to see the sequel. Maybe Cat gets to call Claude on his cell phone? Or Lois again, and Claude just happens to answer? Anything like that. Please? grovel

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)