It's always a pleasure to read a new chapter of My Wife The Boss. smile

I don't know if it's a good idea to go somewhat off topic right from the start - probably not - but I was thinking to myself just the other day how I'm often not too fond of next gen fics, but I love your portrait of the entire Kent family in MWTB. I love seeing Matt, in particular. I think that is because you so firmly make him a supporting character, not the star, of your fic. And as far as I can remember, we always see him through Lois or Clark's - mainly Clark's - eyes. I love that. Also his name is Matt, which is so 'un-LnC-like' that it firmly establishes Matt as his own person, not as a 'younger and better' Clark. So Matt is a supporting character that we watch through Lois or Clark's eyes, and the kid is really interesting in his own right without ever taking over the story. I love it! clap clap clap

Let's return to the chapter in question. It was interesting to see Clark deal with how limited his powers are. Even better was the interplay between Clark and Lois. And I love the fact that Clark is finding more and more evidence against Timmons.

A small nitpick here:

Lois needed no further encouragement as she pulled up her chair. “OK, what have you got so far?”

“I checked the DMV data-base, but I didn't find a match, not at first ... not until I checked their archive.” Clark retrieved a number of documents from the printer, which he handed to Lois. “Timmons let his license lapse. I have no idea why, but he did apply back in the late eighties, and that's not the only thing I discovered,” Clark said, with just the tiniest amount of smugness. “I found out he worked as a driver ...”
Personally I almost never have the time or the energy to go back and re-read old chapters of ongoing fics. To me the paragraph I quoted above was almost incomprehensible. The DMV database? Timmons worked as a driver? Reading on didn't help much, although I think that Timmons must have bombed Speedy Deliveries because he used to work there, and he was fired. But I don't remember that a delivery company was bombed, although I guess it was.

And I have one more nitpick, which is the same as before. I find it absolutely, totally shocking that the police aren't looking for Timmons, at least for questioning, after Clark has given them all that circumstantial evidence against him. Yes, I know that the police don't always take all the tips they get from the general public seriously. After all, I remember reading that the FBI or CIA got very serious tips that they didn't bother to investigate from their own agents and others about the men who eventually flew the airplanes into World Trade Center. And in Sweden, there was a horrible murder of a little girl, and an aquaintance of this man had contacted the police before the murder and warned the police, who did nothing. But in the case of World Trade Center, nothing serious had happened at the time when the FBI and the CIA got their warnings, and in Sweden, the man who would later murder the little girl was only known as a small-time sex offender. The police didn't take these tips seriously because nothing serious had happened so far. But in your fic, multiple horrible bombings have happened already. And the police still won't do anything about Timmons unless Clark can give them watertight proof against the man???? clap


P.S. I only skimmed the very beginning of the introduction and didn't see the part about your uncle. I'm sorry. frown