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Chapter 128

"Actually, *he* found *you*, didn't he?" Clark asked.

"Put a sock in it, Clark." I used my best pleading voice. I might be the new kid on the block but I knew how it worked. "Chief, this isn't fair. I should have the exclusive on the follow-up. Those are the rules."

"The rules are off," he told me. "This is too big."

I felt like Christopher when he threw a fit. "But he's *mine*, he's *my* story."
Chapter 129

"You need to go see your folks," Lois said as we walked out of the Daily Planet building. "They're going to be wondering what's going on."

"I know." I sighed. I did need to go see them.

"Go on. I can handle this and I told Perry we were heading home once we were done. Give me a call before you head back and I'll let you know what I'm up to."

"Okay." I gave her a quick kiss – the kind I barely thought about anymore – and headed for a nearby alley.
Thanks smile .