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Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 03:03 PM
FDK goes here.

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Monday 10-noon ET


Chapter 128

"Actually, *he* found *you*, didn't he?" Clark asked.

"Put a sock in it, Clark." I used my best pleading voice. I might be the new kid on the block but I knew how it worked. "Chief, this isn't fair. I should have the exclusive on the follow-up. Those are the rules."

"The rules are off," he told me. "This is too big."

I felt like Christopher when he threw a fit. "But he's *mine*, he's *my* story."
Chapter 129

"You need to go see your folks," Lois said as we walked out of the Daily Planet building. "They're going to be wondering what's going on."

"I know." I sighed. I did need to go see them.

"Go on. I can handle this and I told Perry we were heading home once we were done. Give me a call before you head back and I'll let you know what I'm up to."

"Okay." I gave her a quick kiss – the kind I barely thought about anymore – and headed for a nearby alley.
Thanks smile .
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 03:16 PM
Yay Lois Lane-Kent! And poor Serena =(

Finally.... lol black?
What?? Did Batman show up? help

Okay, hand is hurting and I have to get up in 6 hours, so I am off to get some sleep.

Couldn't you post the next few parts now so I have something new to read when I wake up. After all you made progress... wink


PS. Loved that Lois thanked Clark! thumbsup
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 04:58 PM
Wow, not one but *two* big stories the day after Toy Man?! They are on the Daily Planet's *super* fast track. I loved Lois's reaction to Superdude (is he going to become Super*man*?). Sure, she'd expected him to don tights at some point, but he'd been so hesitant before. His sudden decision to be super without telling Lois has got to be a point of contention.

Wonder if those rumors will surface with a report of a dead dictator. I'm happy to hear that you are close to finishing... and not just because that means we get to read the rest soon. It will be a relief for you to be able to spend the holidays without the trials and tribulations of LnC on your mind wink

Awaiting more adventure,
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 06:16 PM
I think Lois had a mixed reaction to the byline, and that's why she wasn't as excited as you might expect.
Yes, she REALLY WANTED her first byline to be "Lois Lane." That was important to her identity. Even "Lois Lane-Kent" wouldn't be too bad. It still shows her identity as Lois Lane, while acknowledging that she is married.

She told Clark as much in the last parts.

BUT she also knows it's not really save for her to be "Lois Lane" or even "Lois Lane-Kent" while Navance is still at large.

"Lois Lane-Kent" still recongizes that she's married, yes. But in someone like Navance's eyes, it's a sign she's not fully committed to him. He could use that against her.
Their have been rumors that Navance may be taken out, etc. But they don't know that yet. Quite frankly, I wouldn't put much faith in the rumors, either. How many rumors have there been that Saddam will be taken out over the years? (Okay, so he was, about five years ago, but that was years later.) Or Bin Laden?

Untill they have difinitive proof, they can't tempt fate.

The Daily Planet may be hosted in Metropolis, but it is known in the LNC universe as an international newspaper. What are the chances that Navace could get ahold of that paper?

Of course, now Clark is tempting fate by creating Superman. I can understand his disire to help, and like I said in the last FDK thread, I think it will make a good plot divise to bring Lois and Clark together for good.

BUT he is tempting fate.

I wonder if they have gotten a little lax on the threat of Navance in the last year. Or at least Clark anyway, because he's the one who made these desisions. Certainly, it's always in the back of their minds, but threat doesn't seem as dangerous to him, given his actions.

Lois is going to blow her top for doing this and, hence, in dangering Christopher. (Of course, you got to figure the recent rescue way more of a split-second decision than "I think I'll have fun saving people without telling Lois today.")

Although, if the threat to Navance is only in the back of Clark's mind right now, you've got to wonder how that affects his view of his marriage...? After, all, he always said he's only staying because of Navance.

And the was he was insulted when Dr. Baines flirted with him was interesting, too.
Of course, you could make the argument that he just isn't interested in HER.
And he always said he wasn't going to cheat on Lois because it was wrong.
But still...sounds like an emotional reaction to Lois to me.

Love this stuff. smile
Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Sara K M:
The Daily Planet may be hosted in Metropolis, but it is known in the LNC universe as an international newspaper. What are the chances that Navace could get ahold of that paper?
And even if the paper *weren't* international or readily available to him... you can bet the nephew would tell good old uncle all about it...

Also... do we *know* that Clark asked for that by-line? I thought we just had Perry showing it to her and smiling at her?
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/21/08 07:31 PM
*cough* Do we actually know that's Clark in the black spandex? Just sayin' there's always clones and New Kryptonians hanging around...

Nice parts,
Loved it. Not enough keyboard to express how much. Imagine shuttle launch picture here..

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/22/08 12:06 AM
Well, I'm 99% certain that the flying guy in black is Clark.

Wearing black is a good idea. He can't use the traditional, brightly colored suit with a big red 'S' shield on his chest. And I really, really don't think he should be showing his face. He has too much to lose now that he has a family, and one of his sons is being threatened by a crazy dictator.

(Although, after I read Sara's comparison of Navance to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, I couldn't help thinking that it is hard to believe that Navance could threaten Christopher and Lois so badly in America and for years. Why would American authorities put up with it? Send Navance's nephew packing and make sure he never comes back. Inform him he'll go to jail if he tries. It's just hard to believe that American authorities would be so mindful of a crazy foreign dictator's nephew's right to stay and study in America, and so callous to American citizens' right to be protected by their own government in their own country from agents of a crazy foreign dictator.)

Lois Lane-Kent! I like it. And as far as I'm concerned, Lois was appropriately happy about it.

Kind of suspicious, though. Lois and Clark come to town - well, they start working as reporters for the Daily Planet, at least - and suddenly all these huge stories break. Notorious baby-napper nabbed! Spaceship explodes, killing its captain. Dilapidated building in flames, famous scientist intended victim? Flying man puts out fire! Lois Lane-Kent gets exclusive interview?

Well, speaking of other things, I was very glad that Lois thanked Clark for evertything he has done for her. I'm so glad she realized that she really had ample reason to thank him, and that she told him so, too. (And I thought it was just a tiny bit funny that she added to the tie's wild design with a few splotches of mascara!)

Looking forward to more! (And Carol, do you realize that I'm going to need serious therapy when my OTOH fixes just stop coming?)

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/22/08 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Shadow:
Do we actually know that's Clark in the black spandex? ... New Kryptonians hanging around...
I was also thinking New Kryptonians till I read the preview at the beginning of this thread.

I was even hoping it was them. Clark needing to go to New Krypton would be a perfect way for him to discover that he can't live without Lois.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 126 and 127/? - 12/22/08 07:12 AM
Thanks guys wink .

Lieta - thanks.

Natascha - Batman? Would I do that? Next couple parts coming up smile .

Sonia - so Lois and Clark isn't it? Believe me, I'm happy I'm close to finishing too!

Sara - My thought was that Clark had contacted Daniel etc off screen who said that given that they have another child etc it would be okay for her to hyphenate her professional name. Interesting analysis of his response to Baines.

JD - clones and New Kryptonians? Would I do that?

Michael - thanks smile .

Ann - Most of what the nephew has done is watch from a distance - smile and wave as he walks by on campus, that kind of thing. Not sure you can do anything about that. If Navance *really* cared about what the US thought, it might matter - but for the most part - all he's done is send vaguely threatening letters. Not to minimize that, of course, but I'm not really sure what they could do except put some kind of pressure on him and I don't know that he cares. Look how well Oil for Food worked for instance. And my DH is a licensed therapist so he can help with the therapy issues...

Framework - Hmmm... Clark to New Krypton /runs to rewrite end/

Look for more soon smile .
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