Wow - lotsa feedback smile . It's too early to be truly coherent though...

Glad you guys liked the pics - hadn't planned on putting them up, but it's so hard to understand just how little he was... He's doing *great* now, thank goodness!

Lovesuper - he is a cutie isn't he? [of course, now he's a blond...]

AnKS - interesting... Something happened in what I wrote yesterday that totally surprised me. Will see what you guys think on Friday...

Michael - it was cathartic to write that stuff. /whistles innocently over previews/

Sheilah - well, Lois isn't from the 40s and 50s and it's quite possible that she doesn't realize all the aspects of the kind of relationship you're talking about [as well as how much that 'in love' feeling doesn't last - you have to be committed beyond that, which I think a lot of people today don't realize].

UW - Sorry frown . Love the smilie though wink . To be fair - she asked why he loved Lana and so he's running through the litany.

Grinch - as mentioned below, this L/C are still only 21, haven't graduated college yet. Lois doesn't *have* to be a career-centric woman [see Anon's Breaking Up for instance] but she hasn't even *hit* her career yet. For now, she's been tough and tenacious enough to be on track to graduate on time even with two kids by then - yes, a large part of that is Sam helping provide childcare etc. but she's managed to do [or is managing still at this point] in four years despite pregnancies that put her in bed most of the time for weeks and the hospital others. Won't that translate to the workplace eventually?

JD - Now in my 30s, I agree with you. At 21, I don't know that I would have.

Lieta - those are my thoughts as well.

Lara - thank you smile . Clark? A lunkhead? Never wink .

Datchick - interesting point about the friends with benefits thing.

JD - you're right - they're still working on that partnership thing. And I finally had an epiphany last night... wink

Elisabeth - you're right about the invulnerability. Most *likely* he would have outgrown the spitting up problems, but [like with DS] they would have had to get him to that point - and stay healthy at the same time, and that just wasn't happening.

Sonia - There are lots of different Lois and Clark's out there, that's for sure. Take Shayne's fic where Lois had his daughter for instance, Family Hour. He was very not-Clark, though he did have that instant attraction to Lois that was mentioned earlier.

Grinch - as I mentioned a second ago, I've been struggling with one particular plot point coming up and finally had an epiphany with it.

Sara - Terry [or Framework?] has pointed out repeatedly that he believes that Clark *was* instantly attracted to Lois and on a subconconsious level has been choosing her over Lana since they met. And I think you've hit it right, too. He shouldn't have jumped easily from one to the other, not when he was in a committed relationship - if they'd been dating as seriously as Lois and Joe at the time, then maybe, but not the way their relationship was. The 'sword of Damoclese' thing hit me a couple weeks ago, and i get the feeling that the stress is a big part of it.

Ann - I think the inner teenager just wanted to get some. The mature Clark knows there's more to a relationship than just sex. Interesting speech. /whistles/ wink

Framework - LOL! Stick Nate in the sun - that might help... wink Maybe it was Terry then [see above] making the argument that Clark has been choosing Lois over Lana since they met.

/sigh/ Okay - off to post and then try to get some writing done...
