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Chapter 116

"Don't go like this," he said quietly. "Not tonight. Not with everything..."

"I want to do something where I don't have to think," I told him, arms crossed defiantly in front of me. "Swimming a bunch of mindless laps fits the bill. So unless you have something else in mind to take my mind off my infant son having surgery, get out of my way."

"Is that what you want?" He wasn't looking at me.

"For you to take my mind off of it like you took my mind off Daddy?"


"Then what do you want? What's the answer?"

I took a couple of steps until I was right in front of him. "What do I want?" My hand rested on his chest. "*This* is what I want."

And I kissed him.
Chapter 117

I gave a small sigh of relief when Lois fell asleep. She was going to give herself an ulcer if she wasn't careful.

"What?" Sam noticed the sigh.

"She hasn’t been sleeping well," I told him, nodding towards Lois. "Maybe she can get a little bit of rest and sleep through most of this."

"That would be good. I know she's scared about this, but it really is a pretty routine surgery."

"Surgery is only routine when it's not on someone you love," I said quietly.
Thanks smile .