FDK goes here smile .

Next scheduled post:
Thursday, Thanksgiving, Chapters 78 and 79, before noon or late [ET] - sorry I can't be more specific than that but... it's a holiday and we're going to the in-laws... If, for whatever reason, I don't get to post tomorrow, it'll be Friday morning and I'll make up the posts sometime soon.


Chapter 78

I walked into our room and stopped in my tracks.

Lois was walking from the bathroom to the closet, with only a short towel wrapped around her. Her eyes were wide and her arms automatically wrapped around her.
Chapter 79

I took them and grinned. "Kerth Awards, here we come!"

She laughed.

I frowned.


"I don't think Clark has a tux and I'm going to need a dress." My eyes were wide, I was sure. "I'm going to have to go shopping."
Thanks smile .
