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Saturday, Chapters 68 and 69, 10-11am ET


Chapter 68

Or maybe it was because I was in love with my husband.

I sat straight up in the tub as that thought filled my head.

Was I in love with Clark?

The realization startled me.

I was. I was in love with him.
Chapter 69

What was going on in that head of hers?

I'd never been able to figure her out and this was no exception.

"Are you building a fire?" she asked, as she headed towards the bed in that short, red thing.

"Do you want one?" I asked her, wondering what she was up to.

"Are you planning on keeping me warm?" she asked without looking at me. Her tone seemed carefully neutral to me.

[And the whole Clark telling Lois there's things he just knows - like osmosis. That is true. There are things he just knows - like when he picked up the globe and said Krypton. So he's not lying, but he's not telling the whole truth either - and we're in Lois' head there so we can't see him weighing how much to tell her etc.]
