I've been debating whether or not I should post FDK here.

Anyway, I simply love your portrayal of the Kent family: Clark, Lois, Matt, the two daughters. They love each other so much, but it is so hard to deal with the fact that Clark isn't what he was before, but he is trying to do some of the things he did before, and Lois gets scared, and Clark feels slighted and hurt... and so on. On top of that, Lois is indeed Clark's boss, professionally! And they have to deal with that as well. It's beautifully written and extremely poignant.

Thomas, though... he gives me the creeps, and I don't much like massacres of any kind. Would you believe that I never liked Star Wars because Darth Vader blew up Princess Leia's planet?

But that's just me, and it's another case of my various hangups. It is not a legitimate criticism of your story.

Looking forward to seeing more of Lois and Clark and their children in this story!
