The minute she heard Clark close her office door, Lois turned, ready to do battle, but her harsh words died in her throat at the site of his slumped shoulders, his battered face and his guarded stare. Normally, Clark's eyes sparkled with a love of life, even from behind his glasses. Now, he wasn't wearing them; they were in the hands of the police, but it wasn't only the lack of glasses that made him look more like the lost soul Letour she'd found
in China's mountainous vastness.

Well, there was one thing she could do about that. She opened her top drawer and fished a spare pair from behind her pens and personal stationary. Without a word, she handed them to him and her breath caught as she waited to see if he would accept the olive branch.

“You still keep a spare pair in your desk?” he asked, not looking at her, but fingering the frames as if they were a precious gem.

“I never got out of the habit.” Lois' smile was wistful and she fought to hold back her tears. “Not even after four years. Somehow, it made me think you were still with me.”
I loved this part!

So Clark is possibly heading back to being "super" and now he and Lois are going to have to work out their relationship or risk losing it all.

Outstanding chapter Jenni1