Good part as always. Things are looking up for our Man of Steel, at least with the authorities, but we all know that it won't be that easy.

It's an interesting debate as to which world Clark and the rest of flight whatever end up in. This world is so much more complicated than the world that they came from. Still, it would be easier for the normal humans to adjust and adapt to this new world than it would be for Clark. Is this world really able to accept and embrace the concept of a superhero?

Also, the added pressure of the whole Clark Kent/Superman - Lois Lane stuff that the whole world knows would make it impossible for the two of them to ever have any sort of life together, even as just friends. The old 'you'd be in constant danger from my enemies' schtick would soon rear its ugly head if he stayed. Doesn't matter if the world decides to believe in a Superman, there will always be someone who wants to be Lex Luthor.

Take Lois back to Clark's world. It would be fun seeing her trying to cope with the whole;Daily Planet, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and such stuff. Talk about your culture shock.

Great story, looking forward to more.

Tank (who thinks that a hard-bitten, world traveling reporter like Lois in Clark's 'kinder and gentler' world would give a new meaning to the term 'Mad Dog Lane')