There's some... slurring in this section and extra special thanks go out to Beth for drinking pretend alcohol and pretending to be drunk to help me get it right wink
You know, Carol, when I read this I was ever so slightly worried. Since I am a frequent visitor of the nfic forum, I know that it is not uncommon there to get Lois drunk. Well, it could be that my grandfather and a few other relatives used to tell me when I was a kid that you have only two choices in life: you can choose to be a Pentecostalist or you can choose to be an alcoholic - but I have always been pretty scared of the effects of alcohol. And Lois's mother was an alcoholic, so who knows what some binge drinking could do to Lois? shock

I truly expected you to make Lois drunk in this chapter. Well, I thought, poor girl. Clark is going to be away, doing heroic rescue work. And she is going to be alone. She is going to have to share Clark with the world for the first time, and she is going to see, for the first time, that there is going to be a huge big chunk of Clark's life that she isn't going to share with him. And she is going to have nightmares, and she will feel miserable, and she will get herself drunk because she is so miserable. Oh no!!!

And instead it was Clark who was doing the slurring! And he was such a wreck when he came back to Lois. He was lying face down across the bed - that thing in itself got to me so much. And he was so out of it that he seemed to have blacked out. He couldn't move, couldn't get his clothes off. And when he spoke, he was totally slurring.

And now that Clark's defenses are totally down, there is only one thing he think of when it comes to Lois:

"Have I ever told you how much I want to make love to you?"

Why, out of all the things he'd said, was that the only thing he hadn't slurred?

Before she could respond, his lips were on hers.
shock shock shock

Well, I think Lois loves Clark enough to understand him, to forgive him, to realize what the long agonizing waiting has done to him, etcetera, etcetera. So I don't think that what Clark is about to do to Lois will ruin their relationship, certainly not completely and in the long run. But as for what the short term effects will be.... <shudder>

Come back soon with more!
