Everything is right when they're together. Now they just need to find a way to overcome government, media, extremist groups, international conflicts, time storms and different universes. A job for Superman.
Ultra Woman's FDK pretty much summed it up, I think! clap

There were quite some worrisome developments in this chapter, however. The man who did some stupid things in his youth and now promised his former 'friends' that he would do 'a little thing' for them... that sent a chill down my spine.

And the internet loonies! Really, with the internet connecting all sorts of lunatics all over the world and leaving them relatively free to plan heaven-knows-what...it makes you wonder if we haven't just seen the beginnings of terrorism.

And that mother who left a text message for her orphaned baby son...that was one of the most heartbreaking things I have heard of, and you say that this story is true, Shayne.

Ah, but Clark returned to Lois. Somehow, in some way, that made almost everything all right. I was reminded of a comic book story from way back when, probably from 1991. Clark had been caught in a time storm(!) and he had just managed to make his way home again. He was exhausted, and it was only just before he left that he had actually told Lois that Clark and Superman were the same man, and he was unsure of his welcome. But Lois greeted him so warmly and lovingly, and he fell asleep in the chair where he had sat down.

I was thinking, again, of the contrast between the innocence of the LnC version of the world and the real world that we live in. While I think that there can be no doubt that the 1990s were so much more optimistic than our own time, it would of course still have been impossible for Lois and Clark to be left in peace in the real world the way they were in the TV show. But the TV show was in fact closely modeled not only after the comic books, but after the more innocent and optimistic aspects of the comic books, too. There is an echo in the show of the optimism of two young Jewish boys who created their mighty hero for a world where the biggest war ever was just waiting to happen.
