Fascinating part!
“There have been death threats,” Agent White said reluctantly.
Lois and Clark are both getting into a situation where everyday life is going to be extremely difficult for them in Lois's world. On the other hand, if Clark sticks around the ruckus will die down eventually as people get used to him. He and Lois might not have a lot of privacy unless they created new identities.

If they wind up going back to Clark's world, it might be too late for the glasses disguise, given the number of people who know Clark without glasses. Maybe he could make it work if he started wearing glasses as Clark, and slicked-back hair as Superman. OTOH, while I thought Dean Cain really did look like two different people as Clark and Superman, his voice always struck me as a dead giveaway.

And it's always possible that Lana, or some co-worker at the Planet who knows him well, would blow his secret anyway.

Operating openly in Clark's world (as alt-Clark did in the TV series) could open them up to the same kind of craziness they're seeing now in Lois's world. At least the Internet isn't quite there yet in Clark's world, so that would dampen things down a bit.
He listened for a long moment then said reluctantly, “I can do that.”
This can't be good. frown
When the cell phone had been handed to him, he’d finally seen what the others were looking at. All it had been was a simple text message. “Dear baby. If you are still alive always remember that I love you.”
This was so realistic and very moving. Bravo.
Looking down at his hand held in hers, he looked up at her and said “I am now.”
This has been very trying for both of them, and they are finding comfort in each other. How can they live without each other after this? wink