Shayne, you've done a great job of portraying the situation in China and the people involved. Everyone put asides other issues to focus on what's important: saving lives. Clark shows not just his strength but his strength of character.

And on the other hand we have...
“It’s an embarrassment to the country.”
Once again, no good deed goes unpunished. It seems politics trumps people's lives in certain circles. This made me think of the response to Hurricane Katrina.
“Maybe the embarrassment is how the country is treating these people.” Lois stared at Agent White, and despite his expression, she didn’t look away.
Lois shows what she's made of, too.

I would love to hear some of what the news media — and the man on the street — are saying about Clark. It's a good thing he did the interview before the China situation arose. He showed people what makes him tick, and they'll understand why he's doing what he's doing.
How was he going to live with the guilt of his failures?
I hope Mother Nature gives Clark a break soon... frown Typhoons, tornados, earthquakes: he needs some rest.