I'm so incredibly behind on my feedback, and I have no time for anything right now - but, Nancy, since your story is almost over, I had to comment on that and put off Carol's and Shayne's stories for a later date.

Yay!!! The baby is okay! I'm so glad. I loved how you wrote this entire chapter, with everyone being so kind and supportive. And I loved the fact that Lois was crying because she was happy. Talk about pregnancy hormones. But it was lovely.

I loved this, too:

“Clark, I haven't done anything,” I said, surprised to hear him say I had kept his spirits up.

“Yes, you have,” he insisted gently. “Both actively when I was upset, but at other times, too. I can't explain it, but I don't think you even realize how often you do small things that make me feel better.”

“Like what?” I asked.

“Like taking my hand. Like lying here like this. It makes me feel better to be close to you.”

I smiled slightly, “I don't do that for you. I do that for me.”

“I know,” Clark leaned down to kiss me lightly. “And that's why it makes me feel better. Because I know that whatever happens, we'll handle it together.”
That's just wonderful.

Jimmy was so sweet and caring and, yes, mature in this chapter. Ben was nice, too. And Lucy and Ben are getting married in Metropolis a few months after Lois and Clark's baby is born, so that Lois can be Lucy's maid of honor. (I agree - "maid" of honor sounds much better than "matron" of honor"!)

That's a very sweet chapter! I agree with Tara - now that there is only one part left to go, maybe you should think of a sequel.

EDIT: I was in such a hurry to write this that I didn't read what you said about not feeling really up to writing a sequel, at least not right now. I agree with Jenni, it's too bad that we can't write happy endings for ourselves. I, too, hope you'll feel better soon.
