Another wonderful chapter!

“You know there are three different unmarked vans surrounding this place,” Clark said, as Lois retrieved her bag. “Maybe we should do this somewhere else.”
I knew it!

“They’re having a little problem at the moment,” Clark said, “But I didn’t do anything permanent. I doubt we have more than a few minutes before they realize how easy it is to fix the problem.”
What did he do? Pull some plugs?

No matter how he failed, she somehow made him feel like he was the person he’d always wanted to be. With her he wasn’t Clark Kent, foster kid. He wasn’t the aimless drifter who had taken years to decide on a goal or direction in his life.
He wasn’t the person who hid and turned a deaf ear to people he was fully capable of helping.
With her he felt like he could do anything. He felt like he really was Superman.
Perfect! clap

There was no need to go into the fact that his name actually matched that of the comic book character. That was a coincidence that would stretch people’s sense of credulity.
Coincidence, is it? I think, Lois knows better by now. But of course she doesn´t tell his real name also to keep a bit of privacy for him.

“You should get some sleep,” he said.
He was making all the right gestures, but she could tell his heart wasn’t in it. He wanted to be gone, to help.
If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be the person Lois had come to….admire.
Admire? Oh, Lois... :rolleyes:

His face tight, Colonel Kwan ignored the crowds milling aimlessly in the streets. He stared out the window, his mind racing. The reports had already come in; five schools in the city had simply collapsed. Part of his duties as an officer of the People’s Liberation Army was to assist in disaster preparation and relief.
A few days ago I saw a report from a German TV team that reached the center of the earthquake (As far as I know, there were the only TV team there because the Chinese Army thought it too dangerous). There was no town left. And no streets. No buildings. The last part of the way was only possible by foot. The city was located in a valley with steep slopes. And when the earthquake hit, the slopes simply came down in gigantic mudslides... right into the city. It must have been an apocalypse, that much was still clearly visible. And there were very few people who had survived this. The school buildings didn´t just collapse, but they were buried under these mudslides. I have never seen anything like that. I think this was Deyang City, but I´m not sure.

“They fired me,” Lois said. “As far as I’m concerned they can go suck a lemon. If they don’t want what I have, they can go without the footage while the other networks run it.”
He shook his head. “They’ll complain a little, but they’ll go along with it. Just don’t tell them that I did the editing for you.”
Where is Pilar?
And of course CNN will have to take what it gets. They made their bed, now they can go and sleep in it!

When his eyes finally focused enough to see what he was seeing, he knew that the drugs had already kicked in. He worried for a moment about the hallucination, and then decided not to mention it.
Nice! clap

Will you let us read the complete interview? How will the politicians, the scientists and the public react? How long until a consultant realizes that it could be a good advertisement to be seen with `the man in the Superman suit´? Will one of the presidential candidates be the first to gather his courage and meet Clark? How long until the media start calling him Superman instead of him saying he is not? (Of course he is! laugh )

Next chapter, pleasepleaseplease soon!