Okay, I guess this means I'll have to start thinking about actually writing this.

It will be a while yet before this starts hitting the boards. I like to build up a decent buffer (or have finished the shorter stories)before posting.

I have a fuzzy idea where I'm going with this, but that could easily change. Right now I see Lois being stranded in some sort of post apocolyptic America. Exactly what sort of apocolypse was suffered I haven't decided on yet.

Lois becomes aware of rumors and talk about some mystery man who she is convinced is Superman. The story will probably revolve around her search for him.

With television being so bad I've been looking for an excuse to do some writing again, but my biggest problem is motivating myself to actually do it. I'm incredibly lazy and just haven't felt like writing. Hopefully the interest indicated by the gentle readers will be that push I need to get started.

Tank (who hasn't decided about Lois' hair yet... sure he hasn't)