Ecchh! You do such horrible things to Lois! The only good thing about this beginning is that her hair has surely had a chance to grow out by now.

Of course, "four years later" might mean four years to her, or four years to Clark. Or both. Maybe their relative time frames will remain concurrent, meaning a day for Lois will be a day for Clark also. And if that's true, what has happened to Superman in those four years? Has Clark gone mad trying to find Lois? Has he called in the future cavalry? Or has he withdrawn from society altogether?

Tank, I've lived in Kanasa (many years ago), and I've driven through the state a number of times, and something has to have happened in order to empty out the place. The state isn't desolate today, but there are a lot of wide open spaces, and if Tempus dropped Lois off in a field lying fallow it might look as though civilization has been destroyed. But surely there are people somewhere, even in 2248! How would Lois survive otherwise?

And why the blanket? Why give her a blanket at all? What's the symbolism? How significant will it be? Will it be her means to life, or did Tempus steal it from some tribe living primitively and they get angry at Lois for just having it?

Yeah, continue it! It would be too cruel not to at this point.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing