2 chapter in 1,5 days! Wow! grumble wildguy

Now I still have a few remarks concerning the whole problem our world has with Clark. Of course the government is paranoid, even more since 9/11. Clark should have shown them by now that there is nothing to fear from him. So why do they still behave like that?
The agents and the government see his abilities, but they haven´t got a glimpse of the real person behind it. Clark said it one time: `Superman is what I can do, Clark is who I am.´ So they (and the rest of the world in front of their TVs) still have to gain trust in him. How? I think he has to show some emotions. That was the same with Lois. When he first started showing the real Clark, she began to trust him. I mean that passage of your story, when she found him in front of the 9/11 video. Of course he is very hesitant to let down his guard, thanks to Lana. mad I hope he doesn´t have to go the lawsuit way and you find him another way to show emotions, preferably in front of a camera. I could think of several ways, but of course I won´t try to tell your story! Usually you have plenty of surprises for me in stock, and the story goes another way then I would have thought! Perhaps I´m completely wrong with all I have written above... all I can do is wait for your next chapter! Please, soon! grovel