Two chapters in two days! Hooray! dance
Honey…” Her husband stared at her with a pleading expression. He’d always been a Superman fan and Susan groaned. If she didn’t accept the case she’d be hearing from her husband.
I hope there are a lot of people like her husband, because I have a feeling Clark is going to need their support.
“People knew my name,” he said. “But they didn’t know my face.”
Clark still has a chance at a secret identity if he manages to get home...
“There’s a good chance that we may never be able to get home,” he said. “If it means endangering this world, I’m not willing to try to reopen a rift home.”
You know, if the scientists at CERN knew what was going on, I bet they would not only stop endangering the world (even if it took a work stoppage to thwart the bureaucrats), they would try to help figure out what was going on. Frankly, the physics implied by the rifts and by Clark is way more interesting than the current planned research at CERN. I think physicists would gladly put that aside until they could figure out what was going on.
And I doubt that a pair of glasses is going to be enough to disguise you
I know everyone scoffs that this would never work in the real world, but I always thought Dean Cain looked quite different as Clark Kent and as Superman. I think he might actually be able to get away with it in a world where everyone didn't already know that Superman hides by wearing glasses.
“I’m saying that if you want to do this, you’re pretty much going to have to keep a lawyer on retainer at all times.”
I have a bad feeling about this...
Three tornadoes were visible and they were headed directly for town.

Against them stood a lone figure floating in the air.
A great image to end with, but please don't leave us waiting too long! grovel