This is getting to be my favorite day of the week.

I did some quality snooping (which a few legal officials might call breaking and entering)
This is such a Lois way to think.

I never noticed the security camera tracking my every move.
Cue foreboding music.

I waited and bided my time—something which is very hard for me to do
I, for one, am very proud of her for waiting as long as she did. With all of that impatience, she must have been miserable confined to her house in Smallville. Of course, she is patient when she needs to be; that's why she doesn't jump the gun and tell the police about what she has found too early.

A part of me wants to admonish him for being so presumptuous, but a more dominating part mourns the loss of his gentle fingertips.
The mixed emotions are so indicative of the early relationships between Lois and Clark.

I missed so many opportunities to do things the right way during that investigation. I had so many chances to make the right decision when I instead opted to do things my way for the sake of the story. This was one of those moments. A smart girl would have phoned the police. The Lois Lane of today would phone the police. In 1993, I ignored that option. I gathered every ounce of incriminating evidence I could find, and headed straight home to call my friend Jack. Jack owned a plane chartering company and better yet, he owed me a big favor. I was going to the Congo. I was going to find out what those guns were being used for, and who was receiving them.
She has regrets without being overwhelmed by regret. The older and wiser Lois Lane knows what she should have done, but she doesn't let her failures own her.

I totally didn't recognize who Drew was. Looking back I wonder why he leaked her leads, even though I totally understand why he warned her off the case.

With one firm push from the floor, Lois Lane fell away from me and Crazy Katie Fulton was born.
Thank you for not ending the part at this point. laugh

I can't wait to find out what where Wednesday brings them. thumbsup
