Hi Poussin,

I'm sorry about you worrying about lack of fdk. I know exactly how that feels.

I haven't left fdk because I've been on vacation and only got back earlier this week and it's taken me a while to catch up with the MBs.

I'm enjoying this story, and I'm so glad that Dr Klein is now on the case. I love stories involving Bernard. wink

I also liked the fact that you had Sam Lane try to help Superman.

Hopefully, now Dr Klein has found out about sunlight, Superman will soon recover and Lois will find her Clark. smile

I too have only one point to make. I'm sure Martha and Jonathan would be in Metropolis. They know exactly where Clark is, and they can't be with Superman, but I'm sure they wouldn't stay in Smallville. Martha, at least, would want to be close at hand, I think, in case she was needed.

Looking forward to the next part.
Yours Jenni