
“You don’t have any ID,” Lois said, glancing at him.
But he still has his wallet, hasn´t he? Of course he can´t use that ID.

Lois looked at him for a long moment then nodded. “So we’ll have to do something about that.”
“What can we possibly…” At her expression he took a step back. “No…”
“What are the odds that you are going to be able to find all the passengers and gather them together without help?”
As I thought: he refuses, but he doesn´t stand a chance against Lois!

It had been difficult enough to convince Lois, and she’d had a first hand seat at most of the events in question. How much more difficult would it be to convince a public watching events through a television screen, especially a public jaded by special effects extravaganzas.
Oh, it wouldn´t have been difficult to convince Lois, if Clark had taken her flying earlier! And for convincing a public in front of their TV screens: I would suggest a major event or disaster, with CNN live footage, and then... "Is that a bird? A plane?..." laugh Or landing in a press conference on the lawn of the White House? That will make Agent Randal´s day! And Pilar´s too!

“You don’t have a normal life now,” Lois said. “And if you go home, who’s to say anyone has to know?”
The odds that someone hadn’t mentioned the name Clark Kent in relation to Superman were slim, but still…
One question regarding the secret identity problem: as far as I fiured out from your story, your Clark doesn´t wear glasses. So... no disguise when he returns to his world. That makes things certainly more difficult. But isn´t there also an Alt-Clark who lives without secret identity?
And the passengers who have been asked: "Do you know the name Superman? Or the name Clark Kent?" don´t know about the connection between these two names! And I don´t think the agents would have explained that to them, more like "I´m the one asking questions here!" And nobody except Lois knows his name...

“They’re having a contest for who would make the best new town Superman,” Lois said. Turning to Jim, she said, “He’s not one of the contestants.”
Definitely not one of the contestants! More like the real thing! laugh Jim will have kittens when he finds out! And DC Comics and Hollywood, too! clap

Here in my city we are pretty much about carnival (more party than Rio, I tell you!), and so there are several good costume shops. But when I see the Superman suits, or let me call them costumes, there, I know that they always scream "fake, not real". Very thin material, too shiny, just cheap. I can´t imagine Clark going public in one of these suits. So this one is the perfect solution! First I just thought, they are going to buy a suit in the museum shop... but that would be the same cheap thing, I think.

Now I´m desperately waiting! Go ahead and let him put it on! And please, let me read Lois´ reaction!

I love it! hail