Thank you for a much needed Clark perspective- it definitely helps to see what Clark is thinking and feeling. I, too, am really glad that he has decided to limit the Mayson-time down to nothing. It's about time! I would also like to insert here a comment about Martha's letter. I love that she is not just talking about guarding hearts anymore. It was very wise of her to tell Clark to guard their 'love' from outside forces. I think that advice is going to come into play very soon. Methinks that now that Clark is aware of Mayson's intentions, his eyes are going to be wide open when Paul starts to interfere.

Lois really needs to read her letter from Martha - hopefully she won't be as hesitant to follow the advice in the letters from both Aunt Louise and Martha as she was with the verbal advice Aunt Lou had for her.

I was wishing that Lois would have blurted out her question about Clark sleeping with Mayson, too. She might not have believed his denials, but at least Clark would no longer be in the dark about what's really going through her head. All the misunderstanding and nonspeak is only digging the hole deeper - the whole one step forward, two steps back type of thing... I'm hoping that we get to see one of those forward steps soon.

Maybe it will be in Colorado... Can't wait for Thursday!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles