I love the rich humor you have sprinkled throughout this. I won't be boorish and quote everything, but this is one of my favorite parts.
Lois had always considered herself a pragmatist. Aliens weren’t abducting rednecks in cornfields no matter what the National Enquirer said. Simple herbs and spices from the kitchen cabinet couldn’t cure all diseases.

If life existed on other planets, it was so far away that man would never know about it. The psychic friend’s network was a scam designed to take money from the desperate or foolish. John Edward couldn’t speak to the dead and Ralf Nader was never going to win an election.
She gives him such a simple interview and he answers her frankly and openly. At least for the moment, he trusts her implicitly even as she trusts him with her life.

The thought of Clark working on Alaskan crab boat is perfect. It would provide enough money for him to pay his way through school. He wouldn't have the worries that the other men have, knowing that the cold doesn't affect him and he can work for long hours with little fatigue.

“I’m my own person, not some sort of cartoon.”
Somehow I think he'll have to repeat this statement over and again in this world.

The ending, of course, was truly yucky. Boys are gross. They write gross and yucky things.
