Yes, I can imagine how Clark's antics would ruin everything for astronomers!

Otherwise you were clearly setting this up for something scarily A-plotty.

Good thing you started the ficlet off with Jonathan and Martha Kent and ended it with Lois and Lara! I just loved this part:

“That's your Daddy, Lara. He's the nice man that's been holding you ever since *I* did all the work, lived through the pain and labored to bring you into the world, while *he* just stood there being invulnerable."
clap clap clap

I just loved this, too:

Lois knew that Lara couldn't see her Daddy, of course. From what she and Clark had read, babies couldn't even focus their eyes right away, so of course Superman was out of focus to the infant.

Still, the books had also said that the baby's eyes would be blue or gray at first and nothing like Lara's, a bright shamrock green. Looking again at her daughter, Lois would swear she saw her smile upwards at the heavens.
