I will admit to being slightly annoyed when no one noticed what one of the most important lines was [IMO of course], but then I realized it wasn't in this part wink . Silly me!

Sheila - I can relate to the school thing believe me! She is willing to forfeit happiness, but I'm not sure she thinks she deserves it either - that it's just the way life is. Hey - I'm happily married and I can admit that Clark is a good looking guy - surely Lois can appreciate him from a purely aesthetical standpoint right? wink hehe - Dan was a stroke of inspiration when someone [Gr8? Elisabeth?] asked about her thoughts about her own Mr. Right. Don't worry he'll be back. /me runs and hides. I think she thought the 'honey' was mostly for Dan's benefit because he'd surely heard her trying to get rid of him. And I knew there was no way he wouldn't hear that conversation! Or at least the pertinent parts!

Rona - thank you smile . My heart would have been all aflutter too had a Clark asked me out - for any reason - in high school. The friends - all 6 of them - were characters from IASW. I know we didn't know if they all went to school together or just one of each couple, but I took it as all of them [because I'm the author and I can do those things wink ] and mixed the couples up. At least a couple of them will be back in the future, but not for a while.

Framework - now you wouldn't want me to give away too much would you? And who says Rachel and Lana are in the past? /me is glad she's already hiding

JD - LOL! I love baseball personally. We were introducing ourselves in Sunday School last weekend [Hi I'm Carol and this is my hubby 'name' and we've been married almost 11 years and then answer a question] and last week's question was where would you go if you could go anywhere - us and another couple decided we wanted to visit all the baseball stadiums in the country [we're going to ride in their back seat so it's cheaper for us wink ].

Elisabeth - I'm glad you're enjoying this. She's about to do a lot more thinking about what life would be like. Again - I'm sure Lois can appreciate him for a good-looking male. As for the last line of the 4th quote [and sorry about leaving out Ralph Machio - but wasn't he part of the Brat Pack?], I took it as part of her continued front that they got married because they were in love and so of course she'd think he was cuter than all the others - that they'd just moved the date up a few years. Maybe that wasn't clear though... hmm... will ponder it...

And I don't think it was baseball your aunt was talking about - but if she was a Cubs fan it might have been wink .

Beth - Thanks! I do love Dan [not really - but Anna does so I had to work him in somewhere - the FDK comment mentioned earlier gave me a good spot too - even though I don't think Anna's reading this - but that's okay smile ]

Ann - Thanks!

Woody - good question! I'll have to ponder that one!

Gr8 - Glad to hear it! And it was more fun to mention lots of the 80s guys than trying to pick just one [especially since I'm apparently in the minority for a bunch of them - I mean Patrick Swayze? Really?]

Michael - Thank you smile . Yes it would be a good thing, but our favorite couple does still have a thing or two to overcome before life gets 'easy' for them...

Thanks again everyone!!! Bonus points to anyone who picks out the line I mentioned at the beginning of this post in the next segment!
