Thanks guys for the feedback!


Maybe I missed it, but why would it have been awkward for him to ask Lois if Kaylie knew he was Supernova?
To clarify, it would've been awkward for Jon to ask Kaylie if she knew he was Supernova. Because if she didn't know, then she would end up finding out when he asked to question. He forgot to ask Lois about it earlier. He was kind of overloaded with everything she was saying so he wasn't thinking about it.

And why is Jay in the closet? Did she really think she could hide something like that from Jon?!?! He's got superpowers remember Ellie?!?!
I think she was betting on him being too distracted to notice. And it did work up to a point. laugh As for why he's in the closet... Well, I'll let you puzzle that out for yourself.

Why seven months? Is there some significance to that?
Yes. wink

BJ, I'm glad you liked this part. I wanted to make Jon and Kaylie's conversation as awkward as possible, and what could be more awkward than talking about the sex you have had with you amnesiac partner? Especially when that's not even what he wanted to know. goofy

gr8shades thanks for leaving me feedback even if you're not in the mood for it.

I said it before, but I love when you write the personal stuff.
Thank you! blush The next part is more personal stuff as well.


Hm, I think I know which technique she was using. It involves the exchange of bodily fluids and lots of touching. Right? I am right? Right?
Well, the fun part about Ellie and Jay is that everything's kind of happening in the background. Which leaves it open to whatever interpretation you choose. That is, until we get more information. wink

As far as the posting schedule goes, I'll have to play it by ear. Although the majority of my finals are over, I still have a couple to write and I should probably study for them. grumble We'll see how it goes.