Oh, I feel so bad for Jon and Kaylie, but I have to say that their conversation about ... *that* was funny. Sex was on Kaylie's mind, so when Jon hinted about something, she immediately thought it was their physical relationship.

“So, why was Jay hiding in your hall closet?” Jon asked, still confused.

“We were… trying a new technique,” Ellie rushed to say.

“-for the memory thing,” Jay added.

“Yeah, the memory thing.”

“In the closet?” Jon asked disbelievingly.

A beat of silence.

“We needed a dark space,” Jay provided.

“Yeah,” Ellie chimed in. “And the sun just kept streaming in through the blinds so he had to go in the closet.”
Bwahahaha! rotflol I was wondering if Jay and Ellie would get together, but this whole scene is hilarious.

More soon, please.