I enjoyed reading both parts 16 and 17. Can't wait for the next installment.

Lana completely creeped me out. I don't really understand how she could hide herself from Clark (when they were outside the bunker) even with lead shielding.

Lana turned back to face him. “Right. So, let’s talk about why you *are* here.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “Let me guess. It’s sick, isn’t it? And you are here to try and save it. How tragically poetic.”
I'm surprised that Lois didn't leap forward and rip out her larynx when she said that. Clark may not love Jory, but Lois has mother-bear feelings for him. I'd be snarling and digging fingernails into eyeballs about now.

When Lois moved to follow, Clark reached out and stopped her with a hand to her arm.

She looked at him questioningly. “What’s wrong?”

Clark frowned in Lana’s direction. “I don’t know.” He looked back at Lois. “She doesn’t… help people.”

Something about the entire situation made him uneasy. It seemed impossible that Lana was the only person in the entire complex – but he sensed no other person inside but the three of them.
OK, I know you said that Lana was dead (and good riddance, I say), but this makes me wonder if there's something else going on that Lana is able to hide from Clark. What's really down those two other hallways?

I could have quoted the entire final conversation between Lana and Lois, but I won't. Let me just say it was great; Lois is my hero. You've created a completely despicable villain in Lana. /me shudders. Have I mentioned that I'm glad she's dead?

“What gives you strength comes from here,” Lois said, placing a hand on his chest. “She expects us to just give up and die, but that’s not who I am.” She gave him a leveling look. “That’s not who you are either. You’ve been laying down too long, Clark. It’s time to fight.”
Gave me chills, that one. On the show, Lois Lane is an amazing woman, even though she was raised in a dysfunctional family. Lois Lane raised in a stable and loving home is a force to be reckoned with and here we get to see her in all her glory. She brilliantly figured out how to get the fire-door to closed, got Clark to start the fire using cellphone batteries and heat-vision (giving MacGyver a run for his money) and then shielded Clark from the blast with her own body. Seeing Lois like this - it's like getting both Clark and Lois rolled into one. smile

He returned his attention to the PDA, picking it up and studying it carefully. “This couldn’t have been what she came back for,” he said.

Lois took it from him and looked at it herself. “I don’t know. It could be where she kept all of her notes.”
I'm a little confused as to what he did with it. Did Clark take the computer with him? I can't imagine that either of them would leave it there, even if there was only the remotest chance that it contained information that could help Jory. I'm hoping that with Lois's family connections, either her father or Bernard will be able to retrieve the necessary information from the PDA to save Jory.

And a bald Lex Luthor, huh? I'm picturing this Lex as some other actor in my mind (not John Shea). I know that in LnC:tNAoS, Lex lost his hair in 'The Phoenix,' but John Shea had such a nice head of hair that I have a hard time visualizing him in this role.

Well done with Part II. I can hardly wait for the rest.