What exactly does 'soon' mean? It's so subjective. Tonight? Tomorrow? Before Memorial Day? wink

I don't think I posted on the last part[s?] and I apologize for that.

I loved Lois and Jory and her mom.

I'm willing to cut Clark a little bit more slack. But only a little.

At the same time... I'm not sure why it *has* to fall to Clark to be Jory's dad. He's not. He was cloned from Clark and so Clark should want to make sure he's taken care of or something but why Martha is insisting that he be a father... that may be taking it a bit far. I can understand why M/J can't do it with Jonathan's failing health, and I think Clark *should* WANT to do it but... I think he's kind of stuck with it. They can't tell anyone else what's going on for a lot of reasons - including his secret, but I'm of mixed feelings about this.

I'm slightly more sympathetic to his lack of connection with Jory in a "Three Men and Baby" kind of way. Mom shows up with a child Dad didn't know existed and Dad doesn't know what to do from there but figures it out eventually. Though I hope Clark doesn't end up marrying Jory's 'mother' wink .

Oh, I'm conflicted.

And that's good in the 'it's a fic' kind of way wink .

I'm glad they're closing in on Lana but worried at the same time. She knows how to hurt Clark and would do so without compunction. Being in league with Jason Trask [who I'm not convinced is dead] and Lex Luthor makes it worse.

So, when is 'soon' again?!?!